Post-It Portrait:
Sometimes we want people to think of us differently than what we really are. This can be cause for much internal conflict, personal turmoil. Should we face who we really are? Stand up and accept the reality that is us? Can we even identify, what is this true me? Do people see me as I see myself? Not only teenagers such as this class face this dilemma, but teachers and parents as well. Many of us live our lives not really projecting what is inside of us. What are we hiding and why? Politicians serve as a great reminder of this situation. Who are they and what do they really feel? I wish they would wear the true on their sleeves and stand up for what they really believe. I wish I would stand up for what I really believe. This project is designed to allow us to do so.
This is a photography project that incorporates an image of yourself, together with any number of post-it notes that are stuck to your physical person. Written or drawn on these notes should be clues to who you are, or who you want to be. It is important that the self-portrait contains these descriptive notes and that the notes are legible. This may require that you focus on a particular part of your body so the notes aren’t too small, or you get very creative with how you compose the image. Spend time developing a concept of what you desire to express about yourself, and be sure to consider the colors, text, and messages on the post-its.